Gas Public Awareness
PIPELINE MARKERS For public-safety reasons, most pipelines are buried several feet underground. To make pipelines easier to locate and identify, CPWA installs markers near roads and highways, at railroad and river crossings, above ground piping and at other locations along our rights of way. These markers show a pipeline's approximate location and provide emergency-contact telephone numbers and product transported. Not all buried lines have markers. Therefore, prior to performing excavating activities as simple as planting a tree, installation of landscaping, building a fence, installing a swimming pool or installation of a mailbox, contact OKIE One-Call at 811 or 1-800-522-6543. PHMSA guidelines require CPWA to make you aware of certain recommendations regarding your underground natural gas piping. CPWA does not maintain the gas piping past the customer’s meter. Piping beyond the meter is the responsibility of the consumer. Buried customer piping may be subject to corrosion and/or leakage. Your buried piping should be checked periodically to ensure safe operation. You are advised to contact a licensed plumber or contractor to assist you in locating and inspecting your buried gas piping. Should an unsafe condition occur, repairs should be made immediately. HIGH CONSEQUENCE AREAS In accordance with federal regulations some areas near pipelines have been designated as High Consequence Areas. For these areas Integrity Management Programs are in place to inspect these pipelines periodically for corrosion and other anomalies. For further information contact CPWA at 918.476.8925. PIPELINE SAFETY IS BUILT IN PHMSA (Pipeline & Hazardous Material Safety Administration) imposes rigorous standards for pipeline design, construction, maintenance, testing and operation. CPWA policies and procedures are designed to meet and, in most cases, exceed these standards. Our commitment to safety begins before a pipeline is built or expanded. We build safety into our system by: carefully researching and planning the safe construction of each project; using pipe that is inspected and tested at the factory to comply with both federal and industry standards; providing steel pipe with a coating and other measures that protect it from external corrosion, the use corrosive resistant polyethylene plastic; inspecting the integrity of the pipe during construction; testing the finished pipeline at pressures higher than normal operating pressure before it's placed into service. SAFETY IS MAINTAINED DURING OPERATION Once a pipeline is built. tested and placed in service, CPWA controls and monitors the safety of its system in several ways, including: routinely patrolling our pipeline route on the ground to inspect for leakage and identify potential problems and assist in preventing third-party excavation damage. Other maintenance of facilities including: over-pressure protection devices inspections; cathodic protection inspection (a means of adding negative DC current to steel pipelines to slow corrosion); advising periodically, state and local emergency officials to review accident-prevention and emergency-response procedures; posting markers with emergency telephone numbers along our rights of way, at highway, railroad crossings to inform the public of a buried pipeline in the area or an above ground piping Public Awareness& Damage Prevention Chouteau Public Works 24-hour Emergency Number 918.373.3644 NATURAL GAS LEAKS: RECOGNITION AND RESPONSE Natural gas pipeline leaks or failures are rare, but an informed public can help prevent emergencies and minimize potential damage or injury in the unlikely event of an accident by knowing how to recognize and report pipeline problems. HOW TO IDENTIFY A LEAK The following signs may indicate a natural gas pipeline leak or failure: SIGHT A dense fog, mist, or white cloud, bubbling in water and creeks, or blowing dust and discolored or dying vegetation. SMELL Natural Gas is odorless, so a rotten egg odor is added to aid in leak detection. SOUND Whistling, hissing, or roaring noise. For additional information regarding pipeline safety or questions call: 918.476.8925 Chouteau Public Works Authority National Pipeline Mapping System www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov Other Helpful Resources: www.phmsa.dot.gov/pipeline PHMSA www.commongroundalliance.com Common Ground Alliance www.occeweb.com Oklahoma Corporation Commission Public Awareness & Damage Prevention Chouteau Public Works Authority recognizes that Safety, Health and Environmental Stewardship are every employee’s responsibility. Protection of human safety and health and the environment will come first, no matter how urgent the job, project, or commercial interest. Our goal and commitment is to use superior standards and policies for the benefit of everyone who is a part of our operations or lives in the communities in which we operate. These principles are the foundation of our safety and environmental policies at CPWA.
America's pipeline industry maintains an enviable record of safety and reliability. Pipelines are by far the safest means of transportation today. The purpose of our pipeline is to provide safe, dependable, natural gas to Oklahoma State University gas burning appliances 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, despite strict federal oversight and the conscientious efforts of CPWA, hazards do exist and emergencies, though infrequent, can occur. Statistics show that most pipeline damage is caused by third parties digging near buried pipelines (construction contractors, property owners, excavators, etc.). Damage to a pipeline, such as scratches, gouges, creases, dents, and the cutting of tracer wire or tracer tape installed along with polyethylene plastic, should be reported to the CPWA 24-hour emergency number. Third-party damage can be prevented by using a local excavation notification system known as OKIE One-Call and it is FREE!
In Oklahoma, the law requires anyone planning to dig or excavate near an underground pipeline to notify OKIE One-Call Center two working days (48-hours) prior to beginning excavation activities. The OKIE One-Call center will notify member utilities that operate buried facilities in the area. A utility representative will determine if the project is near underground facilities and dispatch someone to the work site to clearly mark the route and location of buried cables and/or pipelines.
Call 811 or 1-800-522-6543 and remember – it is FREE!
DO: leave the home, building or area of any suspected leak.
DO: call CPWA emergency number 918.373.3644
DO: warn other to stay out of the area
DO NOT: touch, breathe, or contact the leak.
DO NOT: light a match, turn on or off light switches, use a home phone or cell or do anything that may create a spark.
DO NOT: attempt to extinguish a natural gas fire.
DO NOT: attempt to operate any valves.

Utilities & Other Services
Water, Trash, Sewer and Natural Gas

Listed below is a collection of utility services serving the Town of Chouteau. If you have any questions, please contact the Chouteau Public Works or Town offices.

In-Town Water, Sewer, Gas and Trash
Water, septic, natural gas and trash service within city limits is provided by the Chouteau Public Works Authority. Outside Chouteau, water is provided by Mayes County Rural Water Districts. Of course, rural residents do have the option to have a water well on their property as well. Click to read article on Understanding Natural Gas Service within the Town of Chouteau.
Public Works Authority
PWA Administrator: David Powell
Utility Clerk: Dana Corbett
Utility Clerk: Juanita Rabbit
Chouteau Public Works Authority
Chouteau Water, Sewer, Gas & Trash
111 S Lewis St PO Box 1089
Chouteau, OK 74337
Fax 918-476-4633

Application for Utility Service Form (PDF)
Disconnection Information
All Chouteau PWA utility payments are due by the 15th of each month.
Failure to pay by the 15th will result in a Pink Late Notice door hanger left at the address for the property. Service will be shut off two days later if payment is not received at our office by 2pm. A $10 Late Notice Fee will be charged if the pink door hanger is issued. If paying online on the cutoff date, a phone call to the office will need to be made to ensure your utilities will not be disrupted as payments are not posted to your account until midnight.
***If service is disconnected, a $50 reconnect fee will be charged to turn service back on.***

Chouteau Public Works Authority
Utilities Deposits & Fees
Other Utilities
Electric Service -
Trash Service -
Home Telephone -
TV/Cable/Satellite/Internet -

Utility Deposits, Services, & Fees

For Homeowners
Monthly Service
Base rate: $30.00
0-5,000 gal: $5.05 per 1,000 gal
5,000-10,000 gal: $6.05 per 1,000 gal
10,000-15,000 gal: $7.05 per 1,000 gal
15,000-20,000 gal: $8.05 per 1,000 gal
20,000-25,000 gal: $9.05 per 1,000 gal
>25,000 gal: $10.05 per 1,000 gal
Tap Fee
Natural Gas:
Monthly Service
Base rate: $36.27
0-5,000 gal: $1.00 per 1,000 gal
5,000-10,000 gal: $1.25 per 1,000 gal
10,000-15,000 gal: $1.50 per 1,000 gal
15,000-20,000 gal: $1.75 per 1,000 gal
20,000-25,000 gal: $2.00 per 1,000 gal
25,000-30,000 gal: $2.25 per 1,000 gal
>30,000 gal: $2.50 per 1,000 gal
Monthly Service
Index price +3%
Monthly Service
(includes trash can)
Tap Fee
$1,700.00 (Residential)
Tap Fee
$1,700.00 (Residential)
Tap Fee

For Renters - Homes & Apts
Monthly Service
Base rate: $30.00
0-5,000 gal: $5.05 per 1,000 gal
5,000-10,000 gal: $6.05 per 1,000 gal
10,000-15,000 gal: $7.05 per 1,000 gal
15,000-20,000 gal: $8.05 per 1,000 gal
20,000-25,000 gal: $9.05 per 1,000 gal
>25,000 gal: $10.05 per 1,000 gal
Tap Fee
Natural Gas:
Monthly Service
Base rate: $36.27
0-5,000 gal: $1.00 per 1,000 gal
5,000-10,000 gal: $1.25 per 1,000 gal
10,000-15,000 gal: $1.50 per 1,000 gal
15,000-20,000 gal: $1.75 per 1,000 gal
20,000-25,000 gal: $2.00 per 1,000 gal
25,000-30,000 gal: $2.25 per 1,000 gal
>30,000 gal: $2.50 per 1,000 gal
Monthly Service
Index price +3%
Monthly Service
(includes trash can)
Tap Fee
Tap Fee
Tap Fee

For Commercial
Monthly Service
Base rate: $30.00
0-5,000 gal: $5.05 per 1,000 gal
5,000-10,000 gal: $6.05 per 1,000 gal
10,000-15,000 gal: $7.05 per 1,000 gal
15,000-20,000 gal: $8.05 per 1,000 gal
20,000-25,000 gal: $9.05 per 1,000 gal
>25,000 gal: $10.05 per 1,000 gal
Tap Fee
Natural Gas:
Monthly Service
Base rate: $36.27
0-5,000 gal: $1.00 per 1,000 gal
5,000-10,000 gal: $1.25 per 1,000 gal
10,000-15,000 gal: $1.50 per 1,000 gal
15,000-20,000 gal: $1.75 per 1,000 gal
20,000-25,000 gal: $2.00 per 1,000 gal
25,000-30,000 gal: $2.25 per 1,000 gal
>30,000 gal: $2.50 per 1,000 gal
Monthly Service
Index price +3%
Monthly Service
Varies - Contact PWA office
Tap Fee
Tap Fee
Tap Fee