> City Leadership
> Utilities
> Code Enforcement
> Court
> Police Department
> Fire Department
> Animal Control
> Local Cemeteries
> Chouteau North
> Chouteau West

Animal Control
Looking After Our Furry Friends
Chouteau Animal Control is dedicated to:
Enforcing Town of Chouteau animal control laws
Reducing the incidents of unidentified stray animals by promoting responsible pet ownership through the requirement of registration, keeping animals on private property, leash laws, and vaccination
Protecting the citizens of Chouteau from rabies
It is unlawful for any person to keep or maintain or permit to be kept or maintained any cow, horse, donkey, mule, pig, goat, sheep, goose, chicken, duck, turkey, guinea or more than one rabbit upon any property or premises within the corporate limits of the town, except that one:
More than 12 domestic fowl
may be kept in any pen or enclosure for each multiple of seven thousand (7,000) square feet in area of a pen or enclosure which is detached from any dwelling house. Such pen or enclosure where such animal or fowl are kept is to be maintained in a sanitary condition and not offensive or dangerous to the public health.
Pound questions, call Chouteau Police at 918-476-5225
Animal Control Officer, call 918-476-5225 or 918-373-3232
The owner or keeper of any animal shall not permit such animal to be "at large" in the limits of the town. The penalty for animals at large is:
First Offence - written warning/citation
Second and continued offenses - fined $250.